
Stakeholder Mapping

If you would like to add new stakeholders, contact us: stakeholders@ecodalli.eu

Identification of Stakeholders

The identification of relevant stakeholders for the EcoDaLLi project was carried out with the collaboration of all the project partners. Project partners classified the stakeholders in different categories, provided information on the field of work of the stakeholder, and possible entry points to liaise and network the stakeholders within EcoDaLLi. The contact information collected for the mapped stakeholders is publicly available data, which can be found through search engines and published via different websites and documents. The database represents the results of the stakeholder identification and mapping up to the first 10 months of the EcoDaLLi project.

Four-Dimensional Design

The four-dimensional design of EcoDaLLi project instructed the organization of the stakeholder database. The stakeholders were classified in five main categories, the first four based on the geographical regions of the Danube River basin: Upper Danube, Middle Danube, Lower Danube & Danube Delta. The fifth category refers to “Transversal stakeholders”, which list European level Stakeholders that carry out activities in two or more of the Danube geographical regions. For each category, four types of actors are included: Research, Governance, Business, Citizens; following the quadruple helix model.

Description of Stakeholders

In the description of the stakeholders their prime topic is indicated, following the three pillars or main objective of the Mission Ocean: Biodiversity and ecosystems, Water pollution, and Circular-Blue Economy. Additionally, it is indicated in which aspect of the EcoDaLLi the stakeholder can contribute, in terms of identification of Innovative Actions, dissemination of Good Practices, and the implementation of the Living Labs, and the stage in the Mission implementation they will participate.

Current Database

The current database represents a baseline status of the project, reflecting the expertise and networks of the project partners and the identified. Throughout the project, this database will be continuously updated, to identify and engage stakeholders from all the key groups.

Middle DanubeUpper DanubeLower DanubeDelta and Black SeaTransversal
Target group:
BusinessCivil SocietyGovernanceResearch
Level/scope of operation:
LocalRegionalNationalCross border
Primary topic / area of competence:
Water QualityEcosystems and BiodiversityCarbon-neutral and circular blue economy
Engagement with Mission's Implementation:
Development and Piloting (2022-2025)Deployment and Upscaling (2026-2030)
Innovative ActionsGood practicesLiving Labs

#ИмеRegionTarget GroupInfo
1 3M d.o.o. (Velika Gorica) Middle Danube Business
2 Aarhus Association BiH Middle Danube Civil Society
3 Abens-Donau-Energie Upper Danube Business
4 Academy of Economic Sudies Bucharest, Romania Lower Danube Governance
5 Advanced Systems Ltd. Lower Danube Business
6 Agency for Regional Development of the South East Development Region Delta and Black Sea Governance
7 Agency for the water area of the Sava River Sarajevo Middle Danube Governance
8 Agrotrans Ltd. Lower Danube Business
9 Alma Mons, Ltd. Novi Sad Middle Danube Business
10 Apaserv SA Teleorman Lower Danube Business
11 Apolodor Danube SRL Turnu Severin Lower Danube Business
12 Association "Bulgarian Association for Alternative Tourism" Lower Danube Civil Society
13 Association "Local Initiative Group Belene-Nikopol" Lower Danube Civil Society
14 Association "Tourist Association Radetsky - 99" Lower Danube Civil Society
15 Association "Tourist Society Prista" Lower Danube Civil Society
16 Association for the Development of Tourism in the Tutrakan Region Lower Danube Civil Society
17 "Association "Euroregion Dunav - South"" Lower Danube Civil Society
18 Aueninstitut Neuburg-Ingolstadt Upper Danube Research
19 AZIMUT TRANS Ltd. Lower Danube Business
20 Balta Mica Natural Park of Braila Lower Danube Civil Society
21 Bayernhafen GmbH & Co. KG Upper Danube Business
22 Biom Association Middle Danube Civil Society
23 Black Sea NGO Network Delta and Black Sea Civil Society
24 Black Sea Oil & Gas SA (BSOG) Delta and Black Sea Business
25 Bononia Tourist Association Lower Danube Civil Society
26 Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company Lower Danube Business
27 Bulgarian River Shipping J.S.Co. Lower Danube Business
28 BULGARIAN SHIPPING COMPANY Ltd. Lower Danube Business
29 BUND Arbeitskreis Wasser Upper Danube Civil Society
30 BUND Baden-Württemberg Upper Danube Civil Society
31 Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde, Referat U1 – Ökologische Grundsatzfragen, Umweltschutz Upper Danube Governance
32 Camena-ecological tourism association Lower Danube Civil Society
33 Carinthia University of Applied Sciences Upper Danube Research
34 Cellulose & Paper Factory SA Turnu Severin Lower Danube Business
35 City of Novi Sad, City Covernment Middle Danube Governance
36 City of Zrenjanin, city government Middle Danube Governance
37 Climate, Atmosphere and Water Research Institute at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (CAWRI-BAS) Lower Danube Research
38 Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea against Pollution Delta and Black Sea Governance
39 Common Maritime Agenda for the Black Sea Delta and Black Sea Civil Society
40 Construction Trust Drobeta SA Mehedinti Lower Danube Business
41 Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service (DHMZ) Middle Danube Research
43 Danube Basin Directorate Lower Danube Governance
44 Danube Civil Society Forum Transversal Civil Society
45 Danube Competence Center (DCC) Transversal Business
46 Danube Connects Transversal Civil Society
47 Danube Connects - the magazine for the Danube countries Upper Danube Civil Society
48 Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority (DDBRA) Delta and Black Sea Governance
49 Danube Office Ulm/ Neu-Ulm Upper Danube Civil Society
50 Danube Strategy Point Transversal Governance
51 Danube Tech Valley Transversal Business
52 DARA TRADE Ltd. Lower Danube Business
53 Deutsche Donau Tourismus e.V. Upper Danube Civil Society
54 Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e. V. Upper Danube Civil Society
55 "die.wildbach Sektion Oberösterreich" Upper Danube Governance
56 "die.wildbach Sektion Salzburg" Upper Danube Governance
57 "die.wildbach Sektion Steiermark" Upper Danube Governance
58 "die.wildbach Sektion Tirol" Upper Danube Governance
59 "die.wildbach Sektion Wien, Niederösterreich und Burgenland" Upper Danube Governance
60 District Administration - Montana Lower Danube Governance
61 District Administration - Pleven Lower Danube Governance
62 District Administration - Ruse Lower Danube Governance
63 District Administration - Silistra Lower Danube Governance
64 District Administration - Veliko Tarnovo Lower Danube Governance
65 District Administration - Vidin Lower Danube Governance
66 District Administration - Vratsa Lower Danube Governance
67 DONAU STAR BG Ltd. Lower Danube Business
68 DonauConsult Ingenieurbüro GmbH Upper Danube Business
69 Donauschifffahrt Wurm & Noé GmbH & Co. KG Upper Danube Business
70 Dragajen flot -Istar JSC Lower Danube Business
71 Drustar 2004 Ltd. Lower Danube Business
72 DTC – Pannon, Hungary Middle Danube Business
73 DTC Bucharest, Romania Lower Danube Research
74 DTC Cluj-Napoca Middle Danube Business
75 DTC Craiova, Romania Lower Danube Business
76 DTC Iași, Romania Lower Danube Research
77 DTC Maribor, Slovenia Middle Danube Research
78 DTC Nitra Middle Danube Business
79 DTC Ruse Lower Danube Business
80 DTC Slavonija, Baranja and Srijem, Middle Danube Governance
81 DTC Zagreb, Croatia Middle Danube Governance
82 Dunav inert Ltd. Lower Danube Business
83 Dunav tours hotels Ltd. Lower Danube Business
84 DUNAV TURS J.S.Co. Lower Danube Business
85 Dunavski dragajen flot J.S.Co. Lower Danube Business
86 DVGW-Technologiezentrum Wasser Upper Danube Research
87 ECOPANONIA, Cluster for eco-energy and eco-culture Middle Danube Civil Society
88 Energovizija d.o.o. Middle Danube Business
89 Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar (EIHP) Middle Danube Research
90 Environment Engineering Group Middle Danube Civil Society
91 Environment Protection Agencies Lower Danube Governance
92 European Danube Academy (EDA) Upper Danube Civil Society
93 "European Marine Board (EMB) Advancing Black Sea Research and Innovation to Co-Develop Blue Growth within Resilient Ecosystems (BRIDGE-BS)." Delta and Black Sea Business
94 EUSDR National Coordinator Austria Upper Danube Governance
95 EUSDR National Coordinator Austria Upper Danube Governance
96 EUSDR National Coordinator Baden-Württemberg Upper Danube Governance
97 EUSDR National Coordinator Bavaria Upper Danube Governance
98 EUSDR National Coordinator Bavaria Upper Danube Governance
99 EUSDR National Coordinator Bulgaria Lower Danube Governance
100 EUSDR National Coordinator Croatia Middle Danube Governance
101 EUSDR National Coordinator Croatia Middle Danube Governance
102 EUSDR National Coordinator Czech Republic Upper Danube Governance
103 EUSDR National Coordinator Germany Upper Danube Governance
104 EUSDR National Coordinator Hungary Middle Danube Governance
105 EUSDR National Coordinator Moldova Lower Danube Governance
106 EUSDR National Coordinator Montenegro Middle Danube Governance
107 EUSDR National Coordinator Romania Lower Danube Governance
108 EUSDR National Coordinator Serbia (interim) Middle Danube Governance
109 EUSDR National Coordinator Slovakia Middle Danube Governance
110 EUSDR National Coordinator Slovenia Middle Danube Governance
111 EUSDR National Coordinator Ukraine Lower Danube Governance
112 EUSDR PACs of PA4 (Hungary) Transversal Governance
113 EUSDR PACs of PA4 (Slowakia) Transversal Governance
114 EUSDR PACs of PA5 (Hungary) Transversal Governance
115 EUSDR PACs of PA5 (Romania) Transversal Governance
116 EUSDR PACs of PA6 (Bavaria) Transversal Governance
117 EUSDR PACs of PA6 (Croatia) Transversal Governance
118 EUSDR PACs of PA7 (Serbia) Transversal Governance
119 EUSDR PACs of PA7 (Slovakia) Transversal Governance
120 EUSDR PACs of PA8 (Baden-Württemberg) Transversal Governance
121 EUSDR PACs of PA8 (Croatia) Transversal Governance
122 EUSDR PACs of PA9 (Austria) Transversal Governance
123 EUSDR PACs of PA9 (Moldova) Transversal Governance
124 EUSDR PACs of PA9 (Ukraine) Transversal Governance
125 Executive Agency Fisheries and Acquacultures Lower Danube Governance
126 Executive agency for exploration and maintenance of the Danube river Lower Danube Governance
127 Executive Environment Agency Lower Danube Governance
128 Faculty of Energy Technology Middle Danube Research
129 Faculty of Science (PMF - University in Zagreb) - Department of Biology Middle Danube Research
130 Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad Middle Danube Research
131 Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism Middle Danube Governance
132 Ferry complex J.S.Co. Lower Danube Business
133 Fischereigenossenschaft Schwäbische Donau Upper Danube Civil Society
134 Fisheries Local Action Group Braila Lower Danube Civil Society
135 GALAXY POWER Ltd. Lower Danube Business
136 Global Water Partnership Central and Eastern Europe Transversal Governance
137 Guarantee Fund of AP Vojvodina Middle Danube Business
138 Hafen Kelheim Upper Danube Business
139 Hafen Straubing-Sand GmbH Upper Danube Business
140 Hrvatske Šume d.o.o. (HŠ) Middle Danube Civil Society
141 Hrvatske Vode Middle Danube Governance
142 Hydro-Energie Roth GmbH Upper Danube Business
143 ICPDR Transversal Governance
144 Inert Ltd. Lower Danube Business
145 Innovative Fishery Cluster Ikra Akvaponija Middle Danube Civil Society
146 Institute for Creative Civic Strategies Foundation Lower Danube Civil Society
147 Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe Transversal Research
148 Institute for Water and River Basin Management (KIT) Upper Danube Research
149 "Institute for Water Resources Development "Jaroslav Černi" Institut za vodoprivredu „Jaroslav Černi”" Middle Danube Research
150 Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Lower Danube Research
151 International Network for SMEs (INSME) Delta and Black Sea Business
152 Ivan Patzaichin - Mila 23" Association Delta and Black Sea Civil Society
153 Kleinwasserkraft Österreich Upper Danube Business
154 Laboratory for Water Analisys and Balneoclimatology (at the Institute for Health Ecology and Occupational Medicine) Middle Danube Research
155 "Land Niederösterreich Abteilung Wasserbau" Upper Danube Governance
156 "Land Oberösterreich Abteilung Wasserwirtschaft" Upper Danube Governance
157 Landesanstalt für Umwelt Baden-Württemberg, Referat 41 Fließgewässerökologie Upper Danube Governance
158 Landratsamt Alb-Donau-Kreis, Dezernat 3, Fachdienst Umwelt- und Arbeitsschutz Upper Danube Governance
160 Local initiative group Tutrakan-Slivo pole Lower Danube Civil Society
161 Loveco d.o.o. (Rijekaa) Middle Danube Business
162 Lukoil Bulgaria bunker Ltd. Lower Danube Business
163 "Magistrat der Landeshauptstadt Linz Geschäftsbereich Planung, Technik und Umwelt (PTU)" Upper Danube Governance
164 Marine Association Poseidon Delta and Black Sea Civil Society
165 Marine Cluster Bulgaria Lower Danube Business
166 Meridijani magazine Middle Danube Civil Society
167 Middle East Technical University Institute of Marine Sciences (IMS) Delta and Black Sea Research
168 Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development - Romania Delta and Black Sea Governance
169 Ministry of Agriculture in Bulgaria Lower Danube Governance
170 Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development Middle Danube Governance
171 Ministry of Environment and Water of Bulgaria Lower Danube Governance
172 Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests from Romania Lower Danube Governance
173 Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning Middle Danube Governance
174 Ministry of Transport from Romania Lower Danube Governance
175 Municipality of Braila Lower Danube Governance
176 Municipality of Linz Upper Danube Governance
177 Municipality of Sfantu Gheorghe Delta and Black Sea Governance
178 Municipality of Sulina Delta and Black Sea Governance
179 Municipality of Tulcea Delta and Black Sea Governance
180 Municiplity of Alfatar Lower Danube Governance
181 Municiplity of Belene Lower Danube Governance
182 Municiplity of Belogradchik Lower Danube Governance
183 Municiplity of Borovo Lower Danube Governance
184 Municiplity of Bregovo Lower Danube Governance
185 Municiplity of Byala Lower Danube Governance
186 Municiplity of Byala Slatina Lower Danube Governance
187 Municiplity of Cherven bryag Lower Danube Governance
188 Municiplity of Chuprene Lower Danube Governance
189 Municiplity of Dimovo Lower Danube Governance
190 Municiplity of Dolna Mitropolia Lower Danube Governance
191 Municiplity of Dolni Dabnik Lower Danube Governance
192 Municiplity of Dve Mogili Lower Danube Governance
193 Municiplity of Glavinitsa Lower Danube Governance
194 Municiplity of Gulyantsi Lower Danube Governance
195 Municiplity of Hayredin Lower Danube Governance
196 Municiplity of Ivanovo Lower Danube Governance
197 Municiplity of Kneja Lower Danube Governance
198 Municiplity of Kozloduy Lower Danube Governance
199 Municiplity of Levski Lower Danube Governance
200 Municiplity of Lom Lower Danube Governance
201 Municiplity of Nikopol Lower Danube Governance
202 Municiplity of Novo Selo Lower Danube Governance
203 Municiplity of Oryahovo Lower Danube Governance
204 Municiplity of Polski Trambesh Lower Danube Governance
205 Municiplity of Ruse Lower Danube Governance
206 Municiplity of Silistra Lower Danube Governance
207 Municiplity of Sitovo Lower Danube Governance
208 Municiplity of Slivo pole Lower Danube Governance
209 Municiplity of Svishtov Lower Danube Governance
210 Municiplity of Tsenovo Lower Danube Governance
211 Municiplity of Tutrakan Lower Danube Governance
212 Municiplity of Vetovo Lower Danube Governance
213 Municiplity of Vidin Lower Danube Governance
214 Nat. Institute for R&D in Environmental Protection Bucharest Lower Danube Business
215 National Administration "Romanian Waters" Lower Danube Governance
216 National Electricity Company Ltd. Lower Danube Business
217 National Environment Guard Lower Danube Governance
218 Nationalpark Donauauen Upper Danube Civil Society
219 Nature Park Rusenski Lom/ Lomovete Lower Danube Civil Society
220 Naturschutzbund Österreich Upper Danube Civil Society
221 Netzwerk Wasserforschung Baden-Württemberg (KIT) Upper Danube Research
222 NGO Local Action Group Danube Delta Peoples Delta and Black Sea Civil Society
223 NGO Local Action Group G.A.L. Danube Delta Tulcea Delta and Black Sea Civil Society
224 NGO Local Action Group Valea Dunarii Sudolt Delta and Black Sea Civil Society
225 Nirosta d.o.o. (Osijek) Middle Danube Business
226 Octopod C Ltd. Lower Danube Business
227 OIEH - Association RESC Middle Danube Civil Society
228 OIKON d.o.o. Middle Danube Research
229 Osijek - Baranja County (OBC) Middle Danube Governance
230 Österreichisches Komitee Donauforschung - International Arbeitsgemeinschaft Donauforschung Upper Danube Research
231 OTP banka Srbija ad Novi Sad Middle Danube Business
232 Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (PABSEC) Delta and Black Sea Governance
233 Persina Nature Park Lower Danube Civil Society
234 Polaris 8 Ltd. Lower Danube Business
235 Polytechnic University of Bucharest Transversal Business
236 Port Bulmarket Ltd. Lower Danube Business
237 Port Complex Ruse J.S.Co. Lower Danube Business
238 Port Nikopol Ltd. Lower Danube Business
239 Port of Vukovar Middle Danube Business
240 Port Pristis Ltd. Lower Danube Business
241 Port Svishtov West S.A. Lower Danube Business
242 Ports Harbor Office Braila Lower Danube Governance
243 PP Kopački rit Middle Danube Governance
244 Prista oil holding Ltd. Lower Danube Business
245 Professional magazine on energy, economy, ecology, ethics - EGE Middle Danube Civil Society
246 Public Enterprise "Vojvodinašume" Middle Danube Governance
247 Public water management company Srbija vode, Belgrade Middle Danube Governance
248 Public water management company Vode Vojvodine, Novi Sad Middle Danube Governance
249 Pоrt Invest Ltd. Lower Danube Business
250 Pоrt Vidin Ltd. Lower Danube Business
251 Regierungspräsidien Baden-Württemberg Geschäftsstelle Gewässerökologie Upper Danube Governance
252 Regierungspräsidium Freiburg, Referat 52 Gewässer und Boden Upper Danube Governance
253 Regierungspräsidium Freiburg, Stabstelle für grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit Upper Danube Governance
254 Regierungspräsidium Tübingen Stabstelle für grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit Upper Danube Governance
255 Regierungspräsidium Tübingen, Referat 52 Gewässer und Boden Upper Danube Governance
256 Regional Cooperation Council Transversal Governance
257 Regional Inspectorate of Environment and Water - Pleven Lower Danube Governance
258 Regional Inspectorate of Environment and Water - Ruse Lower Danube Governance
259 Regional Inspectorate of Environment and Water - Veliko Tarnovo Lower Danube Governance
260 Regional Inspectorate of Environment and Water - Vratsa Lower Danube Governance
261 Regiowasser e.V. Upper Danube Civil Society
262 Resources BasinDirectorate of Black Sea and Lower Danube Rivers, Ukraine Delta and Black Sea Governance
263 Romnav SA Braila Lower Danube Business
264 Rompetrol-Bulgaria J.S.Co. Lower Danube Business
265 ROMSILVA Lower Danube Governance
266 Ruđer Bošković Institute - Institute for Marine and Environmental Research (hrv. ZIMO) Middle Danube Research
267 Saksa Ltd. Lower Danube Business
268 Sava Comission Middle Danube Civil Society
269 Scortel Ltd. Lower Danube Business
270 SKM PORT VIDIN J.S.Co. Lower Danube Business
271 Slovenian Environment Agency (ARSO) Middle Danube Governance
272 Sportive Fishermen Association Braila Lower Danube Civil Society
273 Stadt Wien MA45 Wasserbau Upper Danube Governance
274 Steinbeis-Innovationszentrum Nachhaltige Ressourcennutzung und Energiebewirtschaftung Upper Danube Business
275 Steinbeis-Transferzentrum Wasser, Landschaft und Umwelt Upper Danube Research
276 Suhaia Commune Teleorman Lower Danube Governance
277 Tehnix d.o.o. (Donji Kraljevac) Middle Danube Business
278 Tehnoeko Middle Danube Civil Society
279 Tehnonav Shipyard Braila Lower Danube Business
280 The 4BIZ Project Delta and Black Sea Business
281 The Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) Delta and Black Sea Governance
282 The Black Sea Trust for regional Cooperation (BST) Delta and Black Sea Civil Society
283 The Black Sea Virtual Knowledge Centre (BSVKC) Delta and Black Sea Research
284 The Bulgarian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Lower Danube Business
285 The Community of Lipovan Russians of Romania, Tulcea Branch Delta and Black Sea Civil Society
286 The Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund (FZOEU) Middle Danube Governance
287 The International Centre for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS) Delta and Black Sea Governance
288 The Lower Danube River Administration Lower Danube Governance
289 Titan Group Lower Danube Business
290 TU Munich Upper Danube Research
291 Tulcea County Council Delta and Black Sea Governance
292 Tulcea Prefecture Lower Danube Governance
293 umweltbundesamt Upper Danube Governance
294 "Umweltbundesamt Deutschland; Fachbereich Gesundheitlicher Umweltschutz, Schutz der Ökosysteme; Abteilung Übergreifende Angelegenheiten Wasser und Boden" Upper Danube Governance
295 Umweltdachverband Upper Danube Civil Society
296 University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) Upper Danube Research
297 University of Ruse Angel Kanchev Lower Danube Research
298 Vard Shipyard Braila Lower Danube Business
299 VE INVESTMENT Ltd. Lower Danube Business
300 VERBUND AG Upper Danube Business
301 VfEW Verband für Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft Baden-Württemberg e.V. Upper Danube Business
302 Viadonau Upper Danube Governance
303 VICTORY 05 SHIPPING Ltd. Lower Danube Business
304 VOLTE TRANS A Ltd. Lower Danube Business
305 Vukovarsko - Srijemska County (VSC) Middle Danube Governance
306 Wasserwirtschaftsamt Deggendorf Upper Danube Governance
307 Wasserwirtschaftsamt Donauwörth Upper Danube Governance
308 Wasserwirtschaftsamt Ingolstadt Upper Danube Governance
309 Wasserwirtschaftsamt Regensburg Upper Danube Governance
310 Wasserwirtschaftsverband Baden-Württemberg e. V. Upper Danube Civil Society
311 Water Europe Transversal Research
312 WWF Deutschland Upper Danube Civil Society
313 WWF Österreich Upper Danube Civil Society
314 YGY Industries J.S.Co. Lower Danube Business
315 Zelena akcija Croatia Middle Danube Civil Society
316 Zweckverband Donau-Hafen Deggendorf Upper Danube Business

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Funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement ID 101093908. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.