# | Име | Region | Target Group | Info |
1 |
3M d.o.o. (Velika Gorica) |
Middle Danube |
Business |
2 |
Aarhus Association BiH |
Middle Danube |
Civil Society |
3 |
Abens-Donau-Energie |
Upper Danube |
Business |
4 |
Academy of Economic Sudies Bucharest, Romania |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
5 |
Advanced Systems Ltd. |
Lower Danube |
Business |
6 |
Agency for Regional Development of the South East Development Region |
Delta and Black Sea |
Governance |
7 |
Agency for the water area of the Sava River Sarajevo |
Middle Danube |
Governance |
8 |
Agrotrans Ltd. |
Lower Danube |
Business |
9 |
Alma Mons, Ltd. Novi Sad |
Middle Danube |
Business |
10 |
Apaserv SA Teleorman |
Lower Danube |
Business |
11 |
Apolodor Danube SRL Turnu Severin |
Lower Danube |
Business |
12 |
Association "Bulgarian Association for Alternative Tourism" |
Lower Danube |
Civil Society |
13 |
Association "Local Initiative Group Belene-Nikopol" |
Lower Danube |
Civil Society |
14 |
Association "Tourist Association Radetsky - 99" |
Lower Danube |
Civil Society |
15 |
Association "Tourist Society Prista" |
Lower Danube |
Civil Society |
16 |
Association for the Development of Tourism in the Tutrakan Region |
Lower Danube |
Civil Society |
17 |
"Association "Euroregion Dunav - South"" |
Lower Danube |
Civil Society |
18 |
Aueninstitut Neuburg-Ingolstadt |
Upper Danube |
Research |
19 |
Lower Danube |
Business |
20 |
Balta Mica Natural Park of Braila |
Lower Danube |
Civil Society |
21 |
Bayernhafen GmbH & Co. KG |
Upper Danube |
Business |
22 |
Biom Association |
Middle Danube |
Civil Society |
23 |
Black Sea NGO Network |
Delta and Black Sea |
Civil Society |
24 |
Black Sea Oil & Gas SA (BSOG) |
Delta and Black Sea |
Business |
25 |
Bononia Tourist Association |
Lower Danube |
Civil Society |
26 |
Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company |
Lower Danube |
Business |
27 |
Bulgarian River Shipping J.S.Co. |
Lower Danube |
Business |
28 |
Lower Danube |
Business |
29 |
BUND Arbeitskreis Wasser |
Upper Danube |
Civil Society |
30 |
BUND Baden-Württemberg |
Upper Danube |
Civil Society |
31 |
Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde, Referat U1 – Ökologische Grundsatzfragen, Umweltschutz |
Upper Danube |
Governance |
32 |
Camena-ecological tourism association |
Lower Danube |
Civil Society |
33 |
Carinthia University of Applied Sciences |
Upper Danube |
Research |
34 |
Cellulose & Paper Factory SA Turnu Severin |
Lower Danube |
Business |
35 |
City of Novi Sad, City Covernment |
Middle Danube |
Governance |
36 |
City of Zrenjanin, city government |
Middle Danube |
Governance |
37 |
Climate, Atmosphere and Water Research Institute at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (CAWRI-BAS) |
Lower Danube |
Research |
38 |
Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea against Pollution |
Delta and Black Sea |
Governance |
39 |
Common Maritime Agenda for the Black Sea |
Delta and Black Sea |
Civil Society |
40 |
Construction Trust Drobeta SA Mehedinti |
Lower Danube |
Business |
41 |
Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service (DHMZ) |
Middle Danube |
Research |
42 |
Lower Danube |
Civil Society |
43 |
Danube Basin Directorate |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
44 |
Danube Civil Society Forum |
Transversal |
Civil Society |
45 |
Danube Competence Center (DCC) |
Transversal |
Business |
46 |
Danube Connects |
Transversal |
Civil Society |
47 |
Danube Connects - the magazine for the Danube countries |
Upper Danube |
Civil Society |
48 |
Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority (DDBRA) |
Delta and Black Sea |
Governance |
49 |
Danube Office Ulm/ Neu-Ulm |
Upper Danube |
Civil Society |
50 |
Danube Strategy Point |
Transversal |
Governance |
51 |
Danube Tech Valley |
Transversal |
Business |
52 |
Lower Danube |
Business |
53 |
Deutsche Donau Tourismus e.V. |
Upper Danube |
Civil Society |
54 |
Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e. V. |
Upper Danube |
Civil Society |
55 |
"die.wildbach Sektion Oberösterreich" |
Upper Danube |
Governance |
56 |
"die.wildbach Sektion Salzburg" |
Upper Danube |
Governance |
57 |
"die.wildbach Sektion Steiermark" |
Upper Danube |
Governance |
58 |
"die.wildbach Sektion Tirol" |
Upper Danube |
Governance |
59 |
"die.wildbach Sektion Wien, Niederösterreich und Burgenland" |
Upper Danube |
Governance |
60 |
District Administration - Montana |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
61 |
District Administration - Pleven |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
62 |
District Administration - Ruse |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
63 |
District Administration - Silistra |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
64 |
District Administration - Veliko Tarnovo |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
65 |
District Administration - Vidin |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
66 |
District Administration - Vratsa |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
67 |
Lower Danube |
Business |
68 |
DonauConsult Ingenieurbüro GmbH |
Upper Danube |
Business |
69 |
Donauschifffahrt Wurm & Noé GmbH & Co. KG |
Upper Danube |
Business |
70 |
Dragajen flot -Istar JSC |
Lower Danube |
Business |
71 |
Drustar 2004 Ltd. |
Lower Danube |
Business |
72 |
DTC – Pannon, Hungary |
Middle Danube |
Business |
73 |
DTC Bucharest, Romania |
Lower Danube |
Research |
74 |
DTC Cluj-Napoca |
Middle Danube |
Business |
75 |
DTC Craiova, Romania |
Lower Danube |
Business |
76 |
DTC Iași, Romania |
Lower Danube |
Research |
77 |
DTC Maribor, Slovenia |
Middle Danube |
Research |
78 |
DTC Nitra |
Middle Danube |
Business |
79 |
DTC Ruse |
Lower Danube |
Business |
80 |
DTC Slavonija, Baranja and Srijem, |
Middle Danube |
Governance |
81 |
DTC Zagreb, Croatia |
Middle Danube |
Governance |
82 |
Dunav inert Ltd. |
Lower Danube |
Business |
83 |
Dunav tours hotels Ltd. |
Lower Danube |
Business |
84 |
Lower Danube |
Business |
85 |
Dunavski dragajen flot J.S.Co. |
Lower Danube |
Business |
86 |
DVGW-Technologiezentrum Wasser |
Upper Danube |
Research |
87 |
ECOPANONIA, Cluster for eco-energy and eco-culture |
Middle Danube |
Civil Society |
88 |
Energovizija d.o.o. |
Middle Danube |
Business |
89 |
Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar (EIHP) |
Middle Danube |
Research |
90 |
Environment Engineering Group |
Middle Danube |
Civil Society |
91 |
Environment Protection Agencies |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
92 |
European Danube Academy (EDA) |
Upper Danube |
Civil Society |
93 |
"European Marine Board (EMB) Advancing Black Sea Research and Innovation to Co-Develop Blue Growth within Resilient Ecosystems (BRIDGE-BS)." |
Delta and Black Sea |
Business |
94 |
EUSDR National Coordinator Austria |
Upper Danube |
Governance |
95 |
EUSDR National Coordinator Austria |
Upper Danube |
Governance |
96 |
EUSDR National Coordinator Baden-Württemberg |
Upper Danube |
Governance |
97 |
EUSDR National Coordinator Bavaria |
Upper Danube |
Governance |
98 |
EUSDR National Coordinator Bavaria |
Upper Danube |
Governance |
99 |
EUSDR National Coordinator Bulgaria |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
100 |
EUSDR National Coordinator Croatia |
Middle Danube |
Governance |
101 |
EUSDR National Coordinator Croatia |
Middle Danube |
Governance |
102 |
EUSDR National Coordinator Czech Republic |
Upper Danube |
Governance |
103 |
EUSDR National Coordinator Germany |
Upper Danube |
Governance |
104 |
EUSDR National Coordinator Hungary |
Middle Danube |
Governance |
105 |
EUSDR National Coordinator Moldova |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
106 |
EUSDR National Coordinator Montenegro |
Middle Danube |
Governance |
107 |
EUSDR National Coordinator Romania |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
108 |
EUSDR National Coordinator Serbia (interim) |
Middle Danube |
Governance |
109 |
EUSDR National Coordinator Slovakia |
Middle Danube |
Governance |
110 |
EUSDR National Coordinator Slovenia |
Middle Danube |
Governance |
111 |
EUSDR National Coordinator Ukraine |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
112 |
EUSDR PACs of PA4 (Hungary) |
Transversal |
Governance |
113 |
EUSDR PACs of PA4 (Slowakia) |
Transversal |
Governance |
114 |
EUSDR PACs of PA5 (Hungary) |
Transversal |
Governance |
115 |
EUSDR PACs of PA5 (Romania) |
Transversal |
Governance |
116 |
EUSDR PACs of PA6 (Bavaria) |
Transversal |
Governance |
117 |
EUSDR PACs of PA6 (Croatia) |
Transversal |
Governance |
118 |
EUSDR PACs of PA7 (Serbia) |
Transversal |
Governance |
119 |
EUSDR PACs of PA7 (Slovakia) |
Transversal |
Governance |
120 |
EUSDR PACs of PA8 (Baden-Württemberg) |
Transversal |
Governance |
121 |
EUSDR PACs of PA8 (Croatia) |
Transversal |
Governance |
122 |
EUSDR PACs of PA9 (Austria) |
Transversal |
Governance |
123 |
EUSDR PACs of PA9 (Moldova) |
Transversal |
Governance |
124 |
EUSDR PACs of PA9 (Ukraine) |
Transversal |
Governance |
125 |
Executive Agency Fisheries and Acquacultures |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
126 |
Executive agency for exploration and maintenance of the Danube river |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
127 |
Executive Environment Agency |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
128 |
Faculty of Energy Technology |
Middle Danube |
Research |
129 |
Faculty of Science (PMF - University in Zagreb) - Department of Biology |
Middle Danube |
Research |
130 |
Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad |
Middle Danube |
Research |
131 |
Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism |
Middle Danube |
Governance |
132 |
Ferry complex J.S.Co. |
Lower Danube |
Business |
133 |
Fischereigenossenschaft Schwäbische Donau |
Upper Danube |
Civil Society |
134 |
Fisheries Local Action Group Braila |
Lower Danube |
Civil Society |
135 |
Lower Danube |
Business |
136 |
Global Water Partnership Central and Eastern Europe |
Transversal |
Governance |
137 |
Guarantee Fund of AP Vojvodina |
Middle Danube |
Business |
138 |
Hafen Kelheim |
Upper Danube |
Business |
139 |
Hafen Straubing-Sand GmbH |
Upper Danube |
Business |
140 |
Hrvatske Šume d.o.o. (HŠ) |
Middle Danube |
Civil Society |
141 |
Hrvatske Vode |
Middle Danube |
Governance |
142 |
Hydro-Energie Roth GmbH |
Upper Danube |
Business |
143 |
Transversal |
Governance |
144 |
Inert Ltd. |
Lower Danube |
Business |
145 |
Innovative Fishery Cluster Ikra Akvaponija |
Middle Danube |
Civil Society |
146 |
Institute for Creative Civic Strategies Foundation |
Lower Danube |
Civil Society |
147 |
Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe |
Transversal |
Research |
148 |
Institute for Water and River Basin Management (KIT) |
Upper Danube |
Research |
149 |
"Institute for Water Resources Development "Jaroslav Černi" Institut za vodoprivredu „Jaroslav Černi”" |
Middle Danube |
Research |
150 |
Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences |
Lower Danube |
Research |
151 |
International Network for SMEs (INSME) |
Delta and Black Sea |
Business |
152 |
Ivan Patzaichin - Mila 23" Association |
Delta and Black Sea |
Civil Society |
153 |
Kleinwasserkraft Österreich |
Upper Danube |
Business |
154 |
Laboratory for Water Analisys and Balneoclimatology (at the Institute for Health Ecology and Occupational Medicine) |
Middle Danube |
Research |
155 |
"Land Niederösterreich Abteilung Wasserbau" |
Upper Danube |
Governance |
156 |
"Land Oberösterreich Abteilung Wasserwirtschaft" |
Upper Danube |
Governance |
157 |
Landesanstalt für Umwelt Baden-Württemberg, Referat 41 Fließgewässerökologie |
Upper Danube |
Governance |
158 |
Landratsamt Alb-Donau-Kreis, Dezernat 3, Fachdienst Umwelt- und Arbeitsschutz |
Upper Danube |
Governance |
159 |
Lower Danube |
Civil Society |
160 |
Local initiative group Tutrakan-Slivo pole |
Lower Danube |
Civil Society |
161 |
Loveco d.o.o. (Rijekaa) |
Middle Danube |
Business |
162 |
Lukoil Bulgaria bunker Ltd. |
Lower Danube |
Business |
163 |
"Magistrat der Landeshauptstadt Linz Geschäftsbereich Planung, Technik und Umwelt (PTU)" |
Upper Danube |
Governance |
164 |
Marine Association Poseidon |
Delta and Black Sea |
Civil Society |
165 |
Marine Cluster Bulgaria |
Lower Danube |
Business |
166 |
Meridijani magazine |
Middle Danube |
Civil Society |
167 |
Middle East Technical University Institute of Marine Sciences (IMS) |
Delta and Black Sea |
Research |
168 |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development - Romania |
Delta and Black Sea |
Governance |
169 |
Ministry of Agriculture in Bulgaria |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
170 |
Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development |
Middle Danube |
Governance |
171 |
Ministry of Environment and Water of Bulgaria |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
172 |
Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests from Romania |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
173 |
Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning |
Middle Danube |
Governance |
174 |
Ministry of Transport from Romania |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
175 |
Municipality of Braila |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
176 |
Municipality of Linz |
Upper Danube |
Governance |
177 |
Municipality of Sfantu Gheorghe |
Delta and Black Sea |
Governance |
178 |
Municipality of Sulina |
Delta and Black Sea |
Governance |
179 |
Municipality of Tulcea |
Delta and Black Sea |
Governance |
180 |
Municiplity of Alfatar |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
181 |
Municiplity of Belene |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
182 |
Municiplity of Belogradchik |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
183 |
Municiplity of Borovo |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
184 |
Municiplity of Bregovo |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
185 |
Municiplity of Byala |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
186 |
Municiplity of Byala Slatina |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
187 |
Municiplity of Cherven bryag |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
188 |
Municiplity of Chuprene |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
189 |
Municiplity of Dimovo |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
190 |
Municiplity of Dolna Mitropolia |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
191 |
Municiplity of Dolni Dabnik |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
192 |
Municiplity of Dve Mogili |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
193 |
Municiplity of Glavinitsa |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
194 |
Municiplity of Gulyantsi |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
195 |
Municiplity of Hayredin |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
196 |
Municiplity of Ivanovo |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
197 |
Municiplity of Kneja |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
198 |
Municiplity of Kozloduy |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
199 |
Municiplity of Levski |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
200 |
Municiplity of Lom |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
201 |
Municiplity of Nikopol |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
202 |
Municiplity of Novo Selo |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
203 |
Municiplity of Oryahovo |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
204 |
Municiplity of Polski Trambesh |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
205 |
Municiplity of Ruse |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
206 |
Municiplity of Silistra |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
207 |
Municiplity of Sitovo |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
208 |
Municiplity of Slivo pole |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
209 |
Municiplity of Svishtov |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
210 |
Municiplity of Tsenovo |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
211 |
Municiplity of Tutrakan |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
212 |
Municiplity of Vetovo |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
213 |
Municiplity of Vidin |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
214 |
Nat. Institute for R&D in Environmental Protection Bucharest |
Lower Danube |
Business |
215 |
National Administration "Romanian Waters" |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
216 |
National Electricity Company Ltd. |
Lower Danube |
Business |
217 |
National Environment Guard |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
218 |
Nationalpark Donauauen |
Upper Danube |
Civil Society |
219 |
Nature Park Rusenski Lom/ Lomovete |
Lower Danube |
Civil Society |
220 |
Naturschutzbund Österreich |
Upper Danube |
Civil Society |
221 |
Netzwerk Wasserforschung Baden-Württemberg (KIT) |
Upper Danube |
Research |
222 |
NGO Local Action Group Danube Delta Peoples |
Delta and Black Sea |
Civil Society |
223 |
NGO Local Action Group G.A.L. Danube Delta Tulcea |
Delta and Black Sea |
Civil Society |
224 |
NGO Local Action Group Valea Dunarii Sudolt |
Delta and Black Sea |
Civil Society |
225 |
Nirosta d.o.o. (Osijek) |
Middle Danube |
Business |
226 |
Octopod C Ltd. |
Lower Danube |
Business |
227 |
OIEH - Association RESC |
Middle Danube |
Civil Society |
228 |
OIKON d.o.o. |
Middle Danube |
Research |
229 |
Osijek - Baranja County (OBC) |
Middle Danube |
Governance |
230 |
Österreichisches Komitee Donauforschung - International Arbeitsgemeinschaft Donauforschung |
Upper Danube |
Research |
231 |
OTP banka Srbija ad Novi Sad |
Middle Danube |
Business |
232 |
Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (PABSEC) |
Delta and Black Sea |
Governance |
233 |
Persina Nature Park |
Lower Danube |
Civil Society |
234 |
Polaris 8 Ltd. |
Lower Danube |
Business |
235 |
Polytechnic University of Bucharest |
Transversal |
Business |
236 |
Port Bulmarket Ltd. |
Lower Danube |
Business |
237 |
Port Complex Ruse J.S.Co. |
Lower Danube |
Business |
238 |
Port Nikopol Ltd. |
Lower Danube |
Business |
239 |
Port of Vukovar |
Middle Danube |
Business |
240 |
Port Pristis Ltd. |
Lower Danube |
Business |
241 |
Port Svishtov West S.A. |
Lower Danube |
Business |
242 |
Ports Harbor Office Braila |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
243 |
PP Kopački rit |
Middle Danube |
Governance |
244 |
Prista oil holding Ltd. |
Lower Danube |
Business |
245 |
Professional magazine on energy, economy, ecology, ethics - EGE |
Middle Danube |
Civil Society |
246 |
Public Enterprise "Vojvodinašume" |
Middle Danube |
Governance |
247 |
Public water management company Srbija vode, Belgrade |
Middle Danube |
Governance |
248 |
Public water management company Vode Vojvodine, Novi Sad |
Middle Danube |
Governance |
249 |
Pоrt Invest Ltd. |
Lower Danube |
Business |
250 |
Pоrt Vidin Ltd. |
Lower Danube |
Business |
251 |
Regierungspräsidien Baden-Württemberg Geschäftsstelle Gewässerökologie |
Upper Danube |
Governance |
252 |
Regierungspräsidium Freiburg, Referat 52 Gewässer und Boden |
Upper Danube |
Governance |
253 |
Regierungspräsidium Freiburg, Stabstelle für grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit |
Upper Danube |
Governance |
254 |
Regierungspräsidium Tübingen Stabstelle für grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit |
Upper Danube |
Governance |
255 |
Regierungspräsidium Tübingen, Referat 52 Gewässer und Boden |
Upper Danube |
Governance |
256 |
Regional Cooperation Council |
Transversal |
Governance |
257 |
Regional Inspectorate of Environment and Water - Pleven |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
258 |
Regional Inspectorate of Environment and Water - Ruse |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
259 |
Regional Inspectorate of Environment and Water - Veliko Tarnovo |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
260 |
Regional Inspectorate of Environment and Water - Vratsa |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
261 |
Regiowasser e.V. |
Upper Danube |
Civil Society |
262 |
Resources BasinDirectorate of Black Sea and Lower Danube Rivers, Ukraine |
Delta and Black Sea |
Governance |
263 |
Romnav SA Braila |
Lower Danube |
Business |
264 |
Rompetrol-Bulgaria J.S.Co. |
Lower Danube |
Business |
265 |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
266 |
Ruđer Bošković Institute - Institute for Marine and Environmental Research (hrv. ZIMO) |
Middle Danube |
Research |
267 |
Saksa Ltd. |
Lower Danube |
Business |
268 |
Sava Comission |
Middle Danube |
Civil Society |
269 |
Scortel Ltd. |
Lower Danube |
Business |
270 |
Lower Danube |
Business |
271 |
Slovenian Environment Agency (ARSO) |
Middle Danube |
Governance |
272 |
Sportive Fishermen Association Braila |
Lower Danube |
Civil Society |
273 |
Stadt Wien MA45 Wasserbau |
Upper Danube |
Governance |
274 |
Steinbeis-Innovationszentrum Nachhaltige Ressourcennutzung und Energiebewirtschaftung |
Upper Danube |
Business |
275 |
Steinbeis-Transferzentrum Wasser, Landschaft und Umwelt |
Upper Danube |
Research |
276 |
Suhaia Commune Teleorman |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
277 |
Tehnix d.o.o. (Donji Kraljevac) |
Middle Danube |
Business |
278 |
Tehnoeko |
Middle Danube |
Civil Society |
279 |
Tehnonav Shipyard Braila |
Lower Danube |
Business |
280 |
The 4BIZ Project |
Delta and Black Sea |
Business |
281 |
The Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) |
Delta and Black Sea |
Governance |
282 |
The Black Sea Trust for regional Cooperation (BST) |
Delta and Black Sea |
Civil Society |
283 |
The Black Sea Virtual Knowledge Centre (BSVKC) |
Delta and Black Sea |
Research |
284 |
The Bulgarian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry |
Lower Danube |
Business |
285 |
The Community of Lipovan Russians of Romania, Tulcea Branch |
Delta and Black Sea |
Civil Society |
286 |
The Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund (FZOEU) |
Middle Danube |
Governance |
287 |
The International Centre for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS) |
Delta and Black Sea |
Governance |
288 |
The Lower Danube River Administration |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
289 |
Titan Group |
Lower Danube |
Business |
290 |
TU Munich |
Upper Danube |
Research |
291 |
Tulcea County Council |
Delta and Black Sea |
Governance |
292 |
Tulcea Prefecture |
Lower Danube |
Governance |
293 |
umweltbundesamt |
Upper Danube |
Governance |
294 |
"Umweltbundesamt Deutschland; Fachbereich Gesundheitlicher Umweltschutz, Schutz der Ökosysteme; Abteilung Übergreifende Angelegenheiten Wasser und Boden" |
Upper Danube |
Governance |
295 |
Umweltdachverband |
Upper Danube |
Civil Society |
296 |
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) |
Upper Danube |
Research |
297 |
University of Ruse Angel Kanchev |
Lower Danube |
Research |
298 |
Vard Shipyard Braila |
Lower Danube |
Business |
299 |
Lower Danube |
Business |
300 |
Upper Danube |
Business |
301 |
VfEW Verband für Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft Baden-Württemberg e.V. |
Upper Danube |
Business |
302 |
Viadonau |
Upper Danube |
Governance |
303 |
Lower Danube |
Business |
304 |
Lower Danube |
Business |
305 |
Vukovarsko - Srijemska County (VSC) |
Middle Danube |
Governance |
306 |
Wasserwirtschaftsamt Deggendorf |
Upper Danube |
Governance |
307 |
Wasserwirtschaftsamt Donauwörth |
Upper Danube |
Governance |
308 |
Wasserwirtschaftsamt Ingolstadt |
Upper Danube |
Governance |
309 |
Wasserwirtschaftsamt Regensburg |
Upper Danube |
Governance |
310 |
Wasserwirtschaftsverband Baden-Württemberg e. V. |
Upper Danube |
Civil Society |
311 |
Water Europe |
Transversal |
Research |
312 |
WWF Deutschland |
Upper Danube |
Civil Society |
313 |
WWF Österreich |
Upper Danube |
Civil Society |
314 |
YGY Industries J.S.Co. |
Lower Danube |
Business |
315 |
Zelena akcija Croatia |
Middle Danube |
Civil Society |
316 |
Zweckverband Donau-Hafen Deggendorf |
Upper Danube |
Business |