
Practices Living Labs System (PLLS)

The Practices Living Labs System (PLLS) is an innovative tool that empowers stakeholders to address ecological, social, and economic challenges collaboratively. Designed for use within the Danube River Basin (DRB), it focuses on critical areas such as wetlands restoration, biodiversity conservation, water systems, and climate change, contributing to the Mission Ocean objectives.

Key Features

PLLS uses a participatory, data-driven approach to bridge the gap between research and real-world application, fostering sustainable solutions.

Interactive 8-Pillar Framework



  • Evaluate progress of current ecological restoration, protection & preservation action plan.
  • Implement biodiversity conservation requirement in planning policy.
  • Develop a sustainability action plan, looking at projects across key systems.
  • Implement circular economy policies and legislations to maximize resource use efficiency.


  • Monitor Water Systems and Biodiversity conservation.
  • Trial new community engagement methods such as Citizen Assembly, co-design, etc.
  • Audit existing community engagement methods and processes.

Human Capital

  • Develop and launch a skills audit across the organization.
  • Include sustainability training and options into formal personal development processes.
  • Engage with leadership to understand barriers to a culture of continual learning.

Financial Capital

  • Determine socio-economic benefits for specific low-carbon & restoration projects/climate actions.
  • Share best practices with local authorities & other stakeholders on finance instruments.
  • Upskill teams in developing business cases.


  • Set clear KPIs for ecological restoration, protection & preservation projects.
  • Select the best reporting and monitoring tool.
  • Implement automated systems to collect and report climate, water, and biodiversity data.


  • Encourage & promote innovations on restoration.
  • Create a communal platform for an innovation network to collaborate.
  • Map the innovation network at the local and regional level.

Hard Systems/Nature Based Infrastructure

  • Conservation and restoration through best practices.
  • Assess existing infrastructure for wetlands: habitat fragmentation.
  • Deploy solutions for fisheries.
  • Use waste as a productive resource and design out waste and pollution.

Soft Systems

  • Work on behavioral change towards wetlands perception within communities.
  • Create an Advice Hub to signpost relevant information on climate change and ecological protection.
  • Create themed campaigns with community-led organizations.
  • Develop communication plans to influence eco-responsible behaviors.

Stakeholder Engagement

PLLS ensures inclusivity through targeted questionnaires and participatory methods. These tools identify regional needs, priorities, and solutions while fostering collaboration across local authorities, businesses, SMEs, and researchers.

Living Lab Phases

From initiation to evaluation and dissemination, PLLS supports iterative processes that refine and replicate sustainable innovations.

Find out more in Milestone document

PLLS Milestone

Participate in PLLS Survey

PLLS Survey

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Funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement ID 101093908. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.